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As an online content creator, it's important to protect your work from copyright infringement. With so much content available on the internet, it can be difficult to keep track of who is using your work without your permission. Luckily, there are a number of websites that can help you check for copyright infringement and protect your intellectual property. In this article, we will explore the best websites to check copyright and how to use them effectively.

What is Copyright Infringement?

Copyright infringement occurs when someone uses or reproduces a copyrighted work without the owner's permission. This can include using images, videos, music, and written content without proper attribution or licensing. Copyright infringement can result in legal action, fines, and damage to your reputation and income as a content creator.

Why Check for Copyright Infringement?

Checking for copyright infringement is important for a number of reasons:

  1. Protect Your Intellectual Property: As a content creator, your work is your intellectual property. Checking for copyright infringement can help you protect your work and ensure that others are not using it without your permission.
  2. Enforce Your Rights: If you discover that someone has used your work without your permission, checking for copyright infringement can help you enforce your rights and take legal action if necessary.
  3. Maintain Your Reputation: If your work is being used without your permission, it can damage your reputation as a content creator. Checking for copyright infringement can help you identify and address any unauthorized use of your work.

The Best Websites to Check Copyright

  1. Copyscape: Copyscape is a popular tool for checking plagiarism and copyright infringement. It allows you to enter a URL or text to check for duplicate content online. Copyscape offers both free and paid versions, with the paid version offering more features and a more detailed report.
  2. Plagiarisma: Plagiarisma is another popular tool for checking plagiarism and copyright infringement. It offers a variety of options, including the ability to check text, URL, or file, and supports over 190 languages. Plagiarisma offers both free and paid versions.
  3. Grammarly: Grammarly is a writing assistant that also offers a plagiarism checker. It checks your text for duplicate content and provides suggestions for improving your writing. Grammarly offers both free and paid versions, with the paid version offering more features.
  4. SmallSEOTools: SmallSEOTools offers a variety of SEO and content creation tools, including a plagiarism checker. It allows you to enter a URL or text to check for duplicate content online. SmallSEOTools offers both free and paid versions, with the paid version offering more features.
  5. Turnitin: Turnitin is a popular tool for academic plagiarism detection. It checks for plagiarism in academic papers, essays, and research papers. Turnitin is primarily used by educational institutions and requires a subscription.

How to Use Copyright Checking Websites Effectively

  1. Choose the Right Tool: Choose a copyright checking tool that fits your needs and budget. Consider the features, cost, and accuracy of the tool when making your selection.
  2. Understand Copyright Laws: Understanding copyright laws can help you identify when your work has been infringed upon. Familiarize yourself with copyright laws in your country or region.
  3. Check Regularly: Checking for copyright infringement should be a regular part of your content creation process. Set a schedule for checking and stick to it.
  4. Take Action: If you discover that someone has used your work without your permission, take action. Contact the individual or company and request that they remove the infringing content. If necessary, take legal action to enforce your rights.
  5. Protect Your Work: To prevent copyright infringement, take steps to protect your work. Use watermarks, copyright notices, and licenses to clearly mark your work as your own and specify how it can

be used by others. Consider registering your copyright with the appropriate government agency in your country or region.

 Keep Records: Keep a record of your work and when it was created. This can be useful in establishing ownership and proving copyright infringement if necessary.

 Use Licenses: Consider using licenses to specify how your work can be used by others. Creative Commons licenses are a popular option and allow you to specify how your work can be used, shared, and modified.

 Be Proactive: Be proactive in protecting your work from copyright infringement. Monitor your work online and take action immediately if you discover any unauthorized use.

 Be Realistic: While it's important to protect your work, it's also important to be realistic. Some instances of unauthorized use may not be worth pursuing, especially if they are minor or not causing significant harm to your reputation or income.


 Checking for copyright infringement is an important part of protecting your intellectual property as a content creator. By using the right tools and following best practices, you can identify and address unauthorized use of your work and ensure that you are properly credited and compensated for your creations. Remember to choose the right tool for your needs, understand copyright laws, check regularly, take action when necessary, and be proactive in protecting your work. With these tips in mind, you can effectively protect your work and maintain your reputation as a content creator.